Placenta Services

What is placenta encapsulation? A way of using the placenta, its nutrients, and its hormonal properties to aid a birthing person after they have given birth and, in some cases, even through menopause. Putting the placenta into capsule form is only one of the ways to make it easily consumable. Other services include making tinctures, salves, smoothie powders, prints, and umbilical cord keepsakes.

Why should I encapsulate? Most mammals eat their placenta after giving birth! It makes sense- your placenta regulates many essential hormones that are at an all time high during your pregnancy and birth. Once you give birth, out goes the source of those hormones, not to mention up to 1/10th of a birthing person's blood volume. Because of this, many people experience a heavy energy and hormonal crash in their early postpartum period. Encapsulating and consuming placenta is a way to reintroduce hormones and nutrients into your body and offset fluctuations. Not only is placenta rich in your natural hormones, it contains high sources of vitamins, minerals, iron and protein which are all essential parts of the postpartum person's diet.

What are the benefits of placenta encapsulation? Increased milk supply, decreased fatigue and increased energy after birth, decreased chance of postpartum depression, pain relief, quicker contraction of the uterus back to it’s pre-pregnacy size, balanced hormone levels, and decreased postpartum healing time.

What exactly is in my placenta? Oxytocin (bonding and love hormone), gonadotropin (the building block for estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), placental opiod-enhancing factor (triggers the production of your body's opiates and endorphins which reduce pain and increase well-being), human placental lactogen (triggers mammary gland and milk production), prolactin (stimulates lactation), gammaglobulin (boosts immune system and protects against infection), thyroid stimulating hormone (helps with energy and recovery), urokinase inhibiting factor (minimizes bleeding and speeds up wound healing), cortisone (releases energy and fights stress), hemoglobin (protects against iron deficiency and anemia), interferon (immune defense against infection), and prostaglandins (anti-inflammatories).

Placenta Encapsulation Services and Rates

  • Capsules ($300): Encapsulation is the most common way to prepare placenta. It is easy to take and simple to store. Capsules can be prepared quickly after birth to start the nourishing process. North Bay Placentas offers two methods of encapsulation to choose from. At the moment, there is no evidence that says one method is more beneficial than the other. It is completely preference!

    • Steamed: This method is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine and is often called the TCM method. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is thought that birth leaves the birthing person with a lot of cold and empty space. Therefore, healing is promoted by "warming" the birthing person. The trademark of this method is the steaming step. Before the placenta is dehydrated, it is steamed for about 20 minutes with warming herbs.

    • Un-steamed: This method, often referred to as the Raw method, follows the same principals of a raw food diet where it is argued that you get more nutrients from the food when you don't heat it. In this method, the placenta skips the steaming step and is only dehydrated.

  • Smoothie powder ($250): Placenta powder is a great additive to your morning smoothie. It is a cheaper alternative to capsules. The placenta is prepared according to your preference of steamed or un-steamed then it is dehydrated and ground into a powder.

  • Tinctures ($50): A placenta tincture is made by steeping your placenta in alcohol for 6 weeks. Tinctures are best used for emotional, mental, and psychological support. If kept properly in a cool, dark place, tinctures will keep for a lifetime and can alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopause years down the road. Your placenta tincture can also be used for your child during times of transitions or when they are getting sick.

  • Salves ($35): Placenta is great for your skin! In fact, sheep placenta is a main ingredient in many expensive skin therapies, salves, and creams. Many will notice their skin improve or glow while they are taking their capsules and be upset when their capsules are finished. Salves are a great way to extend those benefits beyond the life of your capsules. A salve can help promote the healing of cesarean scars, perineal tears, and even diaper rash.

  • Smoothie chunks ($25 for 3): Making a smoothie with a small bit of your raw placenta is an amazing way to get those nutrients directly. Smoothies are most effective with immediate consumption within the first few days after birth. In this service, you can request chunks of raw placenta that will be frozen and returned to you ready to put into a smoothie of your choice.

  • Prints ($15) and umbilical cord keepsakes (free): A placenta print is a great way to preserve your baby’s 9 month life force before it's transformed into a nourishing medicine for you. I can also dehydrate umbilical cords as keepsakes. These are great tools to educate your child later on about what feeds a baby inside the tummy!

  • Travel fees:

    • Someone will bring the placenta to Taylor in San Rafael (free)

    • Please pick up and drop off my placenta in Marin County ($20)

    • Please pick up and drop off my placenta in SF County, Alameda County, or Sonoma County ($40)

    • Please pick up and drop off my placenta in San Mateo County, Contra Costa County, Solano County, or Napa County ($80)

  • “North Bay Placenta Services exceeded my expectations! Taylor was so responsive as we informed her we were heading to the hospital. Taylor met with my husband at the hospital with prompt timing to collect my placenta and returned it right away! I had my dehydrated placenta pills days before I left the hospital to return home. The pills came in a large supply exceeding three months worth. I take them twice a day and feel more energized. My husband mentioned my mood has been positive and noticeably well. I would highly recommend this method to anyone postpartum and will do this again for my next pregnancy, with North Bay Placenta Services. Overall, a wonderful experience!”

    -Danielle, a first time Mama